Elastix server is at, and the customer’s PBX is at Connectivity between sites is managed via SmartRouter L2TP
VPN connections. On the customer side, there is a route saying lives on the VPN, not across the public internet. This
allows full intercommunication between servers without any NAT, which is
That all said, here are my settings — On the Yeastar MyPBX side:
And then the Elastix side:
Note this is all being done without any username or password. This
is because EACH SIDE trusts the IP address of the other. This technique
could not be used securely with a dynamic IP address on either side.
Now that the trunk is there, I need to set up routing. I’m going to
have each side have a prefix to route calls to extensions on the other
side. In my case, users of the Elastix public server can dial 132 + any
3-digit extension on the MyPBX. Putting the “132” in the “prefix” box
instructs Elastix to strip the 132 off the number before sending it to
the trunk. This makes MyPBX just see an extension number when it rings
in, which is exactly what I want.
And, this wasn’t really necessary, but I figured I’d let the users of
the MyPBX system call users off the public server while I was at it.
In this case, I’m going to have them dial 555 + any four digit
extension for users off the Elastix server:
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