Login and entrance terminal
1. apt-get install sudo
2. nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
edit with root password login previlledge
login via ssh to make easy setup
1. download unfi debian package
2. sudo dpkg -i unifi_sysvinit_all.ded
if found an error, do the following
sudo apt-get install -f
To be auto start unifi,
sudo apt-get install haveged
This worked.
**New -update for newest version debian.
Instructions from UI community
1) Copy the link location of the script.
2) SSH into your Ubuntu/Debian machine, and login as root. ( Ubuntu | sudo -i | Debian | su )
2a) Make sure the ca-certificates package is installed.
apt-get update; apt-get install ca-certificates wget -y
3) Download the script by executing the following command. ( change it to your wanted version )
wget https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/unifi-5.13.32.sh
Install the latest and greatest UniFi Network Controller with 1 line. ( copy paste )
rm unifi-latest.sh &> /dev/null; wget https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/install_latest/unifi-latest.sh && bash unifi-latest.sh
3a) Remove cdrom sourcelist
nano vi /etc/apt/sources.list
# cdrom .
3b) install sudo
apt-get install sudo
4) Now run the script with the command below.
bash unifi-5.13.32.sh
The script has multiple options:
Option: --help
Shows script options and information.
Option: --skip
Skip any kind of manual input.
Option: --skip-install-haveged
Skip installation of haveged.
Option: --add-repository
Add UniFi Repository if --skip is used.
Option: --custom-url [argument]
Manually provide a UniFi Network Controller download URL. ( argument is optional )
example: --custom-url https://dl.ui.com/unifi/5.13.29/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb
Option: --v6
Run the Let's Encrypt script in IPv6 mode.
Option: --email [argument]
Specify what email address you want to use for Let's Encrypt renewal notifications.
example: --email glenn@glennr.nl
Option: --fqdn [argument]
Specify what domain name ( FQDN ) you want to use, you can specify multiple domain names with :
as separator,.
Example: --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl
Option: --server-ip [argument]
Specify the server IP address manually.
example: --server-ip
Option: --retry [argument]
Specify how many times the Let's Encrypt should retry the challenge/hostname resolving.
example: --retry 5
Option: --external-dns [argument]
Use external DNS server to resolve the FQDN.
example: --external-dns
Option: --force-renew
Force renew the certificates.
Option: --dns-challenge
Runs the Let's Encrypt script in DNS mode instead of HTTP.
Example command to run the script:
The example command installs the UniFi Network Controller with Let's Encrypt certificates without any input from the user for glennr.nl and www.glennr.nl with email address glenn@glennr.nl for the renewal notifications.
bash unifi-5.13.29.sh --skip --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl --email glenn@glennr.nl
5) Once the installation is completed browse to your controller.