Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Restart windows server with admin console

Restart windows server with force and admin console

SHUTDOWN /r /f /t 0 /m \\ip address server.

If I have server at colocation then I need reboot via remote cause of failure remote desktop.

I need to reboot TechieswebLAB1 with :
  1. Open TechieswebLAB1 C drive using UNC path
  • Open Windows RUN and enter
  • \\techieswebLAB1\c$
  • On the credential window supply TechieswebLAB1, Administrator user name and password (privileged user credential having permission to reboot/Shutdown).
  • This will store/cache the credentials details in my computer.

  1. Open Window RUN and type the command “Shutdown /i”, a window will be opened to enter the details of the remote computer which we need to reboot.

Monday, June 1, 2015

OMV failed iscsi target

Failed to execute command 'export LANG=C; invoke-rc.d 'iscsitarget' start 2>&1': Starting iSCSI enterprise target service:FATAL: Module iscsi_trgt not found. failed!

Do the following
  1. apt-get install module-assistant debhelper build-essential
  2. m-a a-i iscsitarget